I only got to spend a couple of days at camp last week because sickness struck, what else is new...
Some observations of my short time there:
1. Maybe the best camp experience I have ever had.
2. Love - I experienced more love than I have ever experienced in any church setting.
3. Even when you aren't sure what God will do with a short time like that, He blows you away.
4. Spending time with good brothers and sisters is a taste of heaven on earth.
5. The openess of the time together was a pure blessing!
6. There is nothing like brotherly advice from men with great Godly love and wisdom.
The bottom line - God blessed me more than I could bless anyone! He used people to touch my heart in ways that I really never expected, nor was I ready for. My faithless and simple mind. Thank you God for these blessings!
JD said...
I'm glad you were there, Chris. Sorry we didn't get together this week... and I'll be out of town all next week. You are a blessing to me, brother.
Now if we can just not suffer too much from Arlene!