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Thursday, September 07, 2006
11:10 PMMovin on up....
Hey Everybody!

As promised this site is going away, so as the old is gone (sorta) and the new has come. The domain has changed...

Mark this page:

Letters From The Journey

It is almost completely updated and will be finished very soon, with more, better stuff.


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Friday, September 01, 2006
1:57 PMWhat it be?
Today you'll notice I updated my blog with my new podomatic account. You can download and subscribe to my sermons online and listen right here from my blog.

And now for something completely different:

I was tagged about a month ago, has it really been that long and here is my response.

1. One book that changed your life:
Jewish New Testament Commentary - David Stern - what can I say? I'm a nerd.

2. One book that you've read more than once:
AquaChurch Len Sweet

3. One book you'd want on a desert island:
The More Better Book, Funny things that Kids say.

4. One book that made you laugh:
The Purpose Driven Church - oh you didn't ask whick book made me sick?

5. One book that made you cry:
Blue Like Jazz, it was that funny.

6. One book you wish had been written:
How to Have Everything you Want and More Case it's all about you. Oh wait it was written, "Your Best Life Now" - sorry.

7. One book you wish had never been written:
"Adrift" or is it "AJoke"

8. One book you're currently reading:
Foolishness to The Greeks - Newbigin

9. One book you've been meaning to read:
The Purpose Driven Life - I need me some purpose, on purpose yall.

10. Tag five others:
Blue Cow
Purple Cow
Yellow Cow
Green Cow
Pink Cow
Sorry I am too busy these days to be as active in the old blog world....Which brings up other questions about you actually reading this blog....nevermind...have a good day.

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Thursday, August 31, 2006
3:00 PMRoomba and Sermons
I know, it's been a long time since I have posted. I have a bunch of excuses as to why I haven't posted lately, but what's the point? You've heard all of my excuses before you know I am good at that, so here quickly are a couple of things that have been going down around here with me.

I am preaching a series right now called "Tapping the Line."

As you might have guessed it's about prayer, it's a twelve weeker and we're not quite half way through it. If you are interested in listening you can check me out soon at chrislockhart.podomatic.com.
I am having some issues getting it set, but I will soon, so go ahead and subscrie - if you want, and sermons will be there very soon.

In other news, we bought a Roomba last week, that thing is awesome, it might be the best thing since sliced bread - true story.

Speaking of true story - you should check this out www.myspace.com/atruestoryband

More soon...

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Tuesday, July 18, 2006
7:59 PMOn a journey of newness...
It's true. The last few weeks have been new to me in many ways. Not only the fact that we moved from Mobile to McDonough, GA, the fact that we started a new work with a new church, or the fact that God has amazed us over the last few weeks with what He has done in our lives. But for me this new journey has already taught me something else. I've learned that not only does God have a sense of humor, but in teaching us and asking us to stretch our faith He allows us to realize that regardless of what is going on He is in control.

I know, saying that is so cliche, I mean you could turn on your television and hear Joel Osteen spill that big boy for you about eighteen times during his minithesis on "How to make life all about you." But the truth is, no matter how you slice it, God is reenforcing in my mind that He is in control.

Tonight we are hosting a political candidacy celebration for one of the local political candidates. I know some of you have different thoughts about allowing political candidates access to your building for personal political reasons, but there are people from our community here in our facilitiy right now, and that's what matters to me the most right now. A few minutes ago I walked out of the "celebration," I am in the office, I had to make a few phone calls to some people. As I sit here right now, know that I am updating my blog to balls bouncing off of the wall next to my desk; children slinging balls to the wall in a game of wall ball or something of the sort. Nothing says lack of concentration and headaches like wallball on your office wall.

Back to the journey, right now we have been in a series called "A People On The Way," inspired by Tim Woodruff. To me Tim is one of the best preachers of the gospel and yet He isn't given the "out loud" credit for being the communicator that he is. The series centers on the idea that we are a people on a journey, an unsettled people seeking to follow God wherever He might lead. In preparing these lessons, God has spoken to me in fresh and new ways and I am thankful. Actually, I am amazed at how God has used the sermon prep time to give me a better understanding and vision of how I have been called to live my life. The series ends on July 30th and we begin a new 13 week series called "Tapping The Line" about prayer.

Susan and Hayden are doing well, we are blessed to have Susan's mom, also called "MiMi" here with us while we prepare to transition Hayden in to a new school environment, which we are also very nervous about. Please pray for us on that front, Daddy (me) is struggling with all of this. Also pray for the selling of our house in Mobile, we took a huge leap of faith to follow God's lead and join Him in His work here in Henry County. In that huge leap it could mean making two house payments come September, we're learning a lot.

May God be with you as you seek Him on your journey!

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Tuesday, June 27, 2006
10:23 PMStill Going...
There are so many things that I could talk about right now. I feel bad for not updating more often, I just haven't been near my computer enough to sit down and blog about anything. Don't worry though, coming soon you'll see lots of changes here and I hope more, better updating...So until then, here is a snapshot of what has been happening:

1 - This Sunday is my frst Sunday at Calvary. I am really excited about the transition, God has great things in store for this church. We're looking forward to working with so many awesome people in Stockbridge!

2 - We officially move in to our new house on July 6th.

3 - We still haven't sold our current house.

4 - Susan's parents get to Mobile on Thursday, lots of packing going on.

5 - Hayden is growing like crazy right now, she is also doing and saying some extremely funny things.

6 - Went to camp two weeks ago, that was fun. I am going to miss camp.

7 - Susan, Hayden, and I visited "People of Mars Hill" on Sunday. We really enjoyed it. More soon.

8 - Pray for my family in all of this transition, it's exciting, but it has definitely been a test of faith at times.

Have a great week!!!

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Sunday, June 04, 2006
4:33 PMOne Step Closer...
Today the announcement was made to our entire church about Susan and I moving to Georgia. Many people came up to us and had things to say about it. All very kind and encouraging. It is amazing to me how many people see this as the right move for us, just further confirmation of God's will in all of this. It was sad in many ways, but ultimately we are excited about the transition.

Right now we are at a friends house as there is about a half hour left on our open house. We are praying that we will get an offer very soon on it. It's a time full of anticipation for us as God continues to open many doors for us.

More soon....

Have a great week!!!

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Wednesday, May 31, 2006
9:38 PMAnd the can is open...
Over the last few weeks I have asked everyone to pray for my family regarding what I and some others term "creamed corn" translation - personal things that affect personal and family life and are not always open to be shared immediately. But tonight, I opened the can, finally.

Tonight we had our typical Wednesday night gathering at PC, although tonight was less than typical. We spent some time reflecting on what Solomon says in Ecclesiastes 3:1 - 3

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time build."

I don't believe that this statement could be any more absolute in my life than it is right now, based on the way we have seen God work recently.

So, I went on to explain to our group that my families last official Sunday at Port City will be June 18th in order to give us time to get ready for our transition as I have accepted the role of Senior Minister at Calvary Christian Church.

I think many of our teens were surprised by this move, so over the next few days I will meet with as many of them individually as possible.

It is a sad time, yet a happy time.

A time of concern and a time of exuberance.

Ultimately, our family is just seeking to follow God on this journey to be a part of something larger than ourselves. It's exciting and new.

We're ready though. God has blessed during our time in Mobile, and we pray that He will bless Port City with even greater blessings than He has before.

I will post more on this later, as I need time to talk to God and sort of deal in my own way with of all of this. It is a lot of emotion for us, but God will be our strength and our beacon of light.

If you would stop right now and say a prayer for Port City, for Calvary and for my family. This is going to be an exciting new journey for all of us and we desperately need the cover of the Lord.

Thanks again to all of you for your prayers!

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