You are LaFawnduh. Why are you so sweaty?
Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you? brought to you by
You are LaFawnduh. Why are you so sweaty?
Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you? brought to you by
Recently, someone who read my blog asked me if I was really unhappy? I guess at times I didn't realize that I seemed unhappy by what I was writing. For all of you who read my blog, do I seem unhappy? Either way, that isn't the case. I am perfectly happy, I promise. I have just really felt a huge need to be honest. With that being said though, I certainly will be mindful of what I say and try and cast things in the most positive light when I can. However, sometimes a positive light isn't the one that's shining and honesty is honesty, I guess that is why they say the truth hurts.
So I actually was posting today (not because JD is nudging me but) because I wanted to bring up a thought.
In I Thessolonians 5:17 Paul says that we should pray without ceasing, actually The Living Bible prarphrases it as "Always keep on praying." I have struggled with this passage since I was a little guy, because I couldn't understand how you could actually pray all the time without ever stopping. I mean how would you do that while, eating and sleeping - two of my larger issues? I struggled with that up until about six months ago.
I have had a lot of things going on in my life in the last year, many decisions to make, many frustrations to deal with, balancing life as I know it. I started noticing about six months ago that I was praying at the most random times:
- Praying in the shower
- In the car
- Cleaning the house
- working in the yard
- setting up chairs at church
- going to visit someone
- Playing with my daughter
I just find myself talking to God....or am I? I am wondering am I saying these things to God or am I just worrying about them out loud in my mind (I hope that makes sense)? I think it is so easy to be focused on what is going on in your life that you are prayerful and to me this is, bringing my requests before God constantly. Could this have anything to do with the Spirit working in me, prompting me due to growth in my own life or does it have more to do with me being worried and therefore just laying my heart out for selfish reasons, perhaps in anxiety?
Maybe the reason I ask is because I doubt myself, but I am not sure why I do. There really is no reason to. I was having a discussion with a friend about the fact that sometimes with regard to our pasts, and when I say pasts I mean what we grew up knowing as absolute, it is hard to accept God's grace in all aspects of your life not just the obvious ones...either way here I go not making any sense.
Does anybody else go through this? Or am I just a weirdo. Ok don't answer that - only answer if you go through this.